We Found the Dynamical Age of Selam

Selam (pictured below) is the strange secondary of  the Dinkinesh binary asteroid system in the main-belt. Using the secular theory based on binary-Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (BYORP) and tides, we were able to constrain the age of this asteroid to 1-10 million years. Read up on the methods and results in the article in Astronomy & Astrophysics published here. As a part of this work, we derived some really interesting equations as well which include an improved tidal-BYORP equilibrium equation and a condition for YORP stability.

Acta Astronautica Article Published!

Colby Merrill (2nd year PhD student) just published their first journal article! In their first year at Cornell, they produced a mission design to create a contact binary asteroid and observe its formation process. They presented the first iteration of this work at JHU/APL and a further iteration at the 8th International Planetary Defense Conference. The paper is titled “Creating a contact binary via spacecraft impact to near-Earth binary asteroid (350751) 2002 AW” and features contributions from ASTRAlab members Carl Geiger and Abu Tahsin, SIOSlab PI Dmitry Savransky, and SSDS PI Mason Peck. Access the full publication here.

On Cython

Following up on our ‘compiling Python’ session, we recently did a quick tutorial on Cython. The materials for the tutorial are located here: https://github.com/dsavransky/cython_demo   and you can watch the recording, below.

Research Trip to NRC HAA

As a member of the GPI2.0 CAL2 team, Duan Li visited the NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre (HAA) last week. She worked with William Thompson and Christian Marois, and conducted wavefront sensing and control experiments (e.g. speckle nulling) on SPIDERS (Subaru Pathfinder Instrument for Detecting Exoplanets & Retrieving Spectra).